The Southeastern Minnesota Area Agency on Aging (SEMAAA) has received funding from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) for vaccine education and supports.
Proposal Focus: Outreach – Provide vaccination education, outreach and resources through phone support & assistance.
Eligibility: 501©3 Non-profit Organizations (must provide W-9 & insurance cert.)
Funding Amount: Maximum of $4,999 per project applicant
Applications will be accepted beginning: January 3, 2022
Funding Timeline: January 3, 2022 – August 31, 2022 – Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis and the request for applications will remain open until available funds are exhausted.
Applications include Brief Narrative/Budget (1-3 pages).
Other Helpful Information:
- Cost per Unit (1 contact equals a unit) will be negotiated with applicant.
- Payment provided on quarterly reimbursement basis.
- This is a non-registered service – however minimal statistics will be collected.
- Program statistical reports due monthly/quarterly narrative report.
- SEMAAA will offer a suggested checklist of potential items to cover such as booster education, videos, and local resources.
- We encourage grantees to contact public health in their area to ask questions such as – will they offer shots; will they travel to the person.
- VAC 5 applications will be presented to SEMAAA’s Executive Committee for funding approval. This group will make final funding decisions.
- Applications requests should be sent to: