Despite the continued effects that the COVID Pandemic has had on many individuals and service providers, including our own Return to Community staff, our Community Living Specialists have continued to provide support and assistance to as many as possible over the past year. With the Return to Community work being completed from a phone-based format as in-person visits have been suspended, staff have been able to talk with individuals and families about the recent loosening of restrictions for visitation and outings in long term care settings. Here are some of those comments:
- “First time in a year I could see her in person, I could even give her a couple big hugs! It has been a whole year since we could do anything like that!”
- “My sister and I live together, and we love to gamble. After we got our second dose of the vaccine, we took a trip to Treasure Island and won $3000!”
- “I was able to go home for a few hours on Easter with my wife; it was so nice to have family together.”
The new guidance is a refreshing change and bringing many smiles and increased well-being to families and staff!
Highlights from the new guidance
- Residents may have visitors at any time of the day.
- All visitors will be screened upon entrance.
- Visitors and residents must wear a face mask covering both nose and mouth throughout the visit.
- Visitors must use hand hygiene throughout their visit.
- The resident may choose to have physical contact if they have been fully vaccinated. They must perform hand hygiene before and after physical contact.
- Visitors must remain in residents room while socially distancing from others or they may visit outside.
Contact the facility where your loved one lives for specific details on new protocols.
Read the full updated MDH Long-Term Care guidance report here.